10 May 2010

new cotton loop scarves & market update

i trialled a new design at the market on saturday & they were a hit! so today i have spent it making more loopy scarves and have put some up in my madeit store and i have another batch in the dye pot at the moment.
The market was FABULOUS!!!! such a great turn out, it looks like it is going to be a really good thing, everyone had great sales and lots of fun, i have posted up heaps of photos on the blog. my favorite stall holders were BLOCKAGE & My Little Birdie (who will be opening a madeit store soon) I am very much looking forward to the next one in July. we are able to take another 6 stall holdrers for the july show and possibly another 20 for september as we take over the outside area & dining rooms aswell.
mothers day was fabulous also! i spent it tralling High St in Northcote with just my mum, it was so much fun. my favorite shop was definatley ....ahhh the highway one...oh dear i cant remember what its called now, but any how it was great, mum bought an awsum skirt and i ummed and arghed for too long and then it was closing time. my to-do list is to now go back there armed with a purse full of cash and go nuts!!!!


  1. i love mine, been wanting one for ages so im very happy thank you! and i'll be saving my pennies to check out northcote sounds wonderful. like being a kid in a candy store cant wait! : )

  2. Congrats on a successful market! Love your new scarf design too! Hope you have a glorious week :)


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