04 July 2010

i like to sleep

the last few months (incase you noticed i havn't been around much) i have been spending my days sleeping & trying not to vomit - i can now say all is good and i am happily in my second trimester (13 wks) of pregnancy!

I have been keeping up with my sales, all my favorite blogs although havnt managed to comment nor post about my creative spaces or vintage finds as all i can think about is - will this piece of toast stay down or "my goodness did i really just sleep 15 hours straight!"
and it seems in my absence of blogging i have missed a few new blogging add ons and for some reason i cannot load images.............i was saving this post for a while and was going to show you all my first happy snaps of our new baby in utero but the pics will not load (nor any other images) so i shall go and have a snack and have a nana nap


  1. congratulations! that is great news! know exactly how you have been feeling!!

  2. Congrats, that's such wonderful news.
    X Kerri

  3. Congratulations Jade. I hope all is going well. I had wondered what happened to you! Cheers, Jodie x

  4. I wondered where you had disappeared too. Congratulations and I hope you start to feel better soon. x

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! cant wait to see that first photo. hope you're starting to feel better. love the new look xo

  6. What wonderful news! The baby, not the vomiting of course. Congratulations. I was wondering what happened to you but didn't quite get around to emailing the question. I had the same blogging absence at the start of my 2nd pregnancy too, 5 weeks to go, so I am about to go MIA again just as you re-emerge. Hope you're feeling better soon and get some energy back. : ) Kim

  7. yay Jade! that's great news...well not about feeling sick!
    congratulations, hope it's a stress free pregnancy.
    hugs to you ♥

  8. Congrats! I hope it all goes smoothly for you - 9mths will go fast :-) Best wishes


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